Compulsive Behavior and The Freedom to Choose

At Orlando Hypnosis Clinic, we’ve been helping our clients with compulsive behavior for eleven years now.  Initially when we opened, it was substance abuse that we were determined to tackle.  At first, after becoming disillusioned by the recidivism rates of traditional therapy and the revolving door feel to the existing programs available for people trying to beat compulsive behavior, we decided to focus on what was going wrong and find a better solution for our clients.  After reviewing an exhaustive study through SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) that included inpatient, outpatient, individual psychotherapy, and support programs data  which stated a person  would  go through those programs an average of seven times before being able to maintain their sobriety, we began looking into how hypnosis and hypnotherapy could be applied to resolve the source of the emotional issues which were causing people to use rather than the other way around. Today, our program that includes only eight sessions for substance abuse boasts a 94.6% success rate 10 years later!

Why do we have a 700% higher success rate than the stated national average?  The difference is in the paradigm.  At Orlando Hypnosis Clinic, we don’t view the compulsive behavior as the problem but rather the symptom.  Because of that, our clinicians don’t spend effort on changing the myriad of behaviors involved in substance abuse but rather focus on the belief system that is driving it.  Once the negative belief system has been resolved, the behaviors associated with it are no longer important as the compulsion to use something to escape is no longer useful / beneficial / necessary.

Belief systems are safely maintained in the subconscious mind so that they aren’t altered (except to be reinforced) by anything coming through the conscious. With that in mind (no pun intended), using hypnosis to access the subconscious mind allows us to follow the negative feelings generated back to the Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE) that started the belief system and resolve it there.  Because all beliefs are learned beliefs, if the event that started the belief in the past is no longer an issue because it was resolved back there where it happened, then it can no longer be a problem in the present, or ever again into the future.

The real joy in this work is that because a belief system that has been a problem has been resolved, the client isn’t simply free from the stress it used to cause in their daily lives, they are free to enjoy each day more fully!  In talking with past clients they find they are even happier six months later than they were when they completed their program, and each year thereafter they find their lives are progressively better and better.  They were already managing their lives while living under the pressure of the negative belief system, so when those stresses are removed, they’re able to enjoy their lives successfully.  Call us for a free consultation or click the button below and request an appointment online.

For most people, hypnotherapy allows for the resolution of the issues that caused the addictive behavior in the first place. Rather than teaching that an addict is helpless against their compulsive behavior and must attend meetings for the rest of their lives, our patients do not define themselves by their compulsive behavior. Instead they are led through a process that allows them to solve the underlying issue(s) that led them to seek the compulsive behavior and thereby solving the whole problem, remaining drug free and able to finally enjoy life as they always wanted.

Some people think that compulsive behaviors form simply because of the way drugs, alcohol, and other addictive activities make you feel. While it’s true that pleasurable effects contribute to the addictive-ness of certain substances and activities, this is only one piece of the puzzle. At Orlando Hypnosis Clinic, we believe that the root of compulsive behavior stems not from the substance or activity itself, but from some other underlying condition that causes a person to seek out drugs or alcohol in the first place.

Many people begin to use drugs or alcohol to escape from some pain or anguish in their lives. By confronting the inherent cause of an compulsive behavior and working to alleviate whatever condition or emotion a person is trying to escape from, hypnosis helps mitigate compulsive behavior faster and with a more prolonged effectiveness. Our Orlando compulsive behavior hypnosis clinic is equipped to help individuals who are ready to fight their compulsive behaviors in a safe and non-intrusive way.

  • Video Games
  • Internet Compulsive Behavior
  • Sex Compulsive Behavior
  • Shopping
  • Work Compulsive Behavior

Hypnotherapy Consult for Alcohol Compulsive Behavior

Compulsive Behavior is one of the toughest problems facing our culture today. The growing problems within the family, as well as many other cultural stressors, make compulsive behavior a national and international problem that has grown by leaps and bounds. In the U.S. we have promoted a “feel good right now” mentality that tends to feed the addictive process.

Contrary to some popular thought, people don’t become addicted to drugs, alcohol, or sex just for the fun of it. There are usually reasons why an compulsive behavior happens. And these same reasons make an compulsive behavior difficult to stop.

A person is drawn to an addictive behavior or substance because of the way it affects his or her emotions. It enhances some feelings and numbs out others. Emotional pain is reduced momentarily…and the hope is that it will not come back. Of course, it does. Over time more and more of the behavior or substance is required to produce the desired effect. More intense sex or more alcohol is required to numb out feelings, or more cocaine is needed to get the heightened sense of excitement and competence.

Eventually the intensity of the behavior or substance needed to produce the high become dangerous in and of itself.

At the Orlando Hypnosis Clinic,  we have successful programs for a wide variety of compulsive behaviors using hypnotherapy. Here are just the top ten:

  • Alcohol Compulsive Behavior
  • Cocaine Compulsive Behavior
  • Drug Compulsive Behavior
  • Food Compulsive Behavior
  • Internet Compulsive Behavior
  • Meth (Methamphetamine) Compulsive Behavior
  • Smoking
  • Sex Compulsive Behavior
  • Shopping
  • Work Compulsive Behavior

For most people, hypnosis allows for the resolution of the issues that caused the addictive behavior in the first place. Rather than teaching that an addict is helpless against their compulsive behavior and must attend meetings for the rest of their lives, our patients do not define themselves by their compulsive behavior. Instead they are led through a process that allows them to solve the underlying issue(s) that led them to seek the compulsive behavior and thereby solving the whole problem, remaining drug free and able to finally enjoy life as they always wanted.

Psychoanalysis Recovery after 600 Sessions 38%
Behavioral Therapy Recovery after 22 Sessions 72%
Hypnotherapy Recovery after 6 Sessions 93%

Learning to Live After Compulsive Behavior…Letting GO of the Habits & Past

When dealing with family, people at work, close friends, and even acquaintances, it can induce a multitude of mixed feelings. People often feel powerless to contain the onslaught of emotions not only because of failure to recognize them; but also due to the fact they come and go so fast.

Since it is necessary to go on with a healthier life handling these situations and their recurring sensations is important. Add that to the already reeling emotions and battling the compulsive behavior and it may seem overwhelming and even pointless. That is the subconscious at work busily defending the mind as best as it knows how.

With our out-patient compulsive behavior programs, the psychological and emotional issues surrounding the compulsive behavior will be addressed. Just exactly as you learned to walk and talk in your infancy, your subconscious mind will be taught to cope with issues you were incapable of dealing with at one time which led to abusive behavior. Coping is an important part of healing the emotional pain.

Any emotional or physiological triggers for relapse will be identified and avoidance techniques explored and put into action. Positive feelings and the ability to succeed will be reinforced, as can motivational techniques, body image and self-control. Additionally, many clients have found that hypnosis calms the nerves, the mind and the body, releases stress and alleviates anxiety. Imagine this without the use of a replacement drug such as Prozac.

The positive ideas and perspectives that you receive build self-esteem and boost confidence. You are subconsciously taught personal accountability for yourself, your thoughts, and your actions again and be completely successful in your recovery. But moreover hypnosis has a positive effect on every aspect of most people’s lives.

You can even use hypnosis in conjunction with your current support network if you feel it is necessary OR are part of a court required program to put you back in control of your emotions and make your recovery a complete success.

Free Stress Release Hypnosis Mp3

Free Stress Release Hypnosis MP3 Download

This session is recorded by Danny Jackson, CHT. It is designed to release stress and provide improved methods for handling stress. This MP3 is a fantastic introduction to hypnosis if you haven’t experienced it before. It’s also a great way to wind down in the evening. Just play the MP3 through a phone, MP3 player or even computer while resting in a reclining position in a place that has no distractions. We recommend that you only listen to this in the evenings before you’re ready to sleep. Do not attempt to operate any heavy machinery while listening to the recording.

Download & Listen for Free

The Compulsive Behavior Philosophy That Works: Alcohol, Drug Compulsive Behavior, Sex Compulsive Behavior & More

  • Proven Effective
  • Completely Safe
  • Quick and Easy
  • Fewer Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol and drugs (prescription or illegal) are just a quick and easy way to change ordinary, everyday reality from unbearable to bearable. All it takes is a short trip to the liquor store, few drinks, a pill, or even a joint. People who are dependent are merely using their substance as a crutch to get through the day. Yet doctors and scientists are still treating drug and alcohol abuse as if the substance is the problem, when it has nothing to do with the problem. They might as well be studying “scratchism” for people who have a chronic itch.

Suppose you had a chronic itch and scratched it regularly throughout the day. Would you have “scratchism”? Would you be a “scratchaholic”? Of course not. What if you had a constant headache, and to cope with it you took aspirin several times each day. Would you suffer from “aspirinism”, would you be called an “aspirinaholic”? More important, if you sought help for the treatment of those ailments, would you be treated for “scratchism” or “aspirinism”? Of course not; you would be treated for the underlying conditions that led you to scratch or use aspirin. — perhaps poison ivy or stress.”

In order for a continual and lasting recovery, you need to address the reason you drink or use drugs (the itch), not simply focus on the use itself (the scratch). Hypnotherapy is a very effective tool for you to use to uncover the reasons that you drink or use drugs, and also to help you resolve those issues. Once you uncover and resolve those feelings or beliefs that led you to compulsive behavior, you will notice that the “itch” is gone, and there is no longer a need to “scratch.”
Hypnosis allows for the resolution of the issues that caused the addictive behavior in the first place. Rather than teaching that an addict is helpless against their compulsive behavior and must attend meetings for the rest of their lives, our patients do not define themselves by their compulsive behavior. Instead they are led through a process that allows them to solve the underlying issue(s) that led them to seek the compulsive behavior and thereby solving the whole problem, remaining drug free and able to finally enjoy life as they always wanted.

Get started today with a free, no obligation consultation by calling (407) 369-8474. Learn the root causes of your compulsive behavior and put an end to its hold over you today.

Orlando Hypnosis Inc.’s compulsive behavior recovery program is nothing like 12-step programs because it is based upon a completely different paradigm. Where the 12-step programs come from the belief that someone with an compulsive behavior is destined to be an addict for the rest of their lives, our program looks to the current research in neuro-science which shows that people continue to change the way they think, and therefore behave throughout their lives.

Rather than attending meetings, (the program can be used in conjunction with 12-step or other recovery methods) they complete a set hypnosis sessions, usually six to eight depending upon the individual, over the course of a month. In between sessions, they listen to hypnotic reinforcement CDs at home. Each session builds upon those that came before, so that by the end of the month, people engaged in the program have solved the underlying issue (sensitizing event) causing the need for using, learned how to deal with self-sabotage and have vastly improved their self-esteem. They have also developed the beliefs, values, boundaries and internal identity of someone who has no need for the substances or behaviors they used to depend upon.

Our company’s success rates are 97 % overall. The 3% of clients that returned to their compulsive behavior fell into one of two categories:

  • People that had no interest in quitting.
  • People that were quitting to appease someone else.

Compare this with the statistics offered by Alcoholics Anonymous which shows that 75% of their participants relapse continually in less than one year. The same goes for in-patient programs. Addicted patients get through withdrawal – but once they get back into the “real world” the same habits resurface. That’s why people waste tens of thousands of dollars repeating inpatient programs, treating only the compulsive behavior rather than the underlying cause