About Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP

As a Certified Hypnotist / Hypnotherapist, Counselor, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy) practitioner, I have spent the majority of the past 15 years working with clients suffering from compulsive behavior and dependence on a variety of substances of abuse. I have had the good fortune to work with several Mental Health Professionals over the years, and to help their clients through hypnosis & hypnotherapy in areas as diverse as Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, ADD / ADHD, and Schizophrenia to name a few. This has provided me with tools, experience, and insights most hypnotists are never able to experience.While I do tend to get a lot of referrals from the Orlando mental health professional community of which I am grateful, the most significant praise I receive comes from the clients themselves once they experience freedom from the negative thoughts and emotions they have been battling for years, sometimes decades.As a company, our success is made one client at a time. This belief in the direct correlation between the achievements of every individual client and our integrity is what makes each session of such great value and the success of each client so significant.

Reversing Compulsive Behavior with Hypnotherapy

Compulsive Behavior and The Freedom to Choose At Orlando Hypnosis Clinic, we've been helping our clients with compulsive behavior for eleven years now.  Initially when we opened, it was substance abuse that we were determined to tackle.  At first, after becoming disillusioned by the recidivism rates of traditional therapy and the revolving door feel to the [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for Children

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy for Children Why Us?  Our hypnotherapists are both comfortable and skilled in working with children.  Plus we offer 24-7 support! Hypnosis can be highly effective for the treatment of various children’s issues. Unlike adults, children are generally more receptive to hypnosis because they are much more suggestible and because [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

Prescription Drug Abuse Hypnotherapy

Orlando Prescription Drug Abuse Hypnotherapists Prescription drugs are the second most commonly abused category of drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2010, approximately 16 million Americans reported using a prescription drug for non-medical reasons in the past year; 7 million in that past month. Signs and symptoms of prescription drug [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

Orlando Pornography Compulsive Behavior Hypnotherapy

Orlando Pornography Compulsive Behavior Hypnotherapy Pornography compulsive behavior is one of the most rampant compulsive behaviors of our time. In many ways, it is even more addictive than drugs or alcohol. What makes pornography so addictive in nature? One of the reasons that pornography is so addictive is the misconception and lie that the person is not [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

Orlando Meth Compulsive Behavior Hypnotherapy

Crystal meth compulsive behavior is a wide spread problem that is sweeping across the United States. As of the late 90’s, almost 10 million Americans had reportedly tried recreational methamphetamines at least once. Young adults in their late teens and early 20’s are the most likely users. Death by overdose from crystal meth has been reported [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy for Gambling Compulsive Behavior

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy for Gambling Compulsive Behavior at Orlando Hypnosis Clinic Why Us?   Affordable for Gambling Compulsive Behavior, 24-7 Support, & Experienced. We understand gambling from the emotional perspective... Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy allows for the resolution of the issues that caused the addictive behavior in the first place. Whether someone bets on dogs, [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

Hypno-Coaching | Hypnosis for Success in Orlando

Hypno-Coaching is Hypnosis Plus Coaching for Success Want to change unproductive patterns, create new effective ones, kick a habit, reach your next level of growth, ignite and explode past your competition? We can help you explore the depths of your mind, discover and leverage your strengths while also recognizing and addressing your development needs.  Achieve the [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

Test Movies

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

Orlando’s Best Clinical Hypnotherapists

Simply the Best, Clinical Hypnotherapist in Orlando, Florida Through the application of hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and neuro-linguistic programming - emotional or physiological issues will be identified, tied to their precipitating event, and finally resolved. Positive feelings and the ability to succeed will be reinforced, as can motivational techniques, body image and self-control. Using direct suggestion [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

Hypnotherapy for Cocaine Compulsive Behavior

Clinical Hypnosis Program for Cocaine Compulsive Behavior Clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy can allow you to solve the underlying issue(s) that cause you to seek cocaine and thereby solving the whole problem!  The difficulty in remaining drug-free subsides, and you can finally enjoy life as you always wanted and deserved. How is Orlando Hypnosis Clinic's Program for [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

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*This information should not be treated as a substitute for advice given by your General Practitioner, Medical Doctor, Psychiatric professional or any other healthcare professional. We encourage you to check with your physician before attempting any new therapies. We commonly work with our client’s health professional to provide well-rounded adjunct solutions when needed. Success from any kind of coaching, medical or hypnosis process cannot be guaranteed. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your commitment, effort, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.