As you consider using hypnosis for weight loss, smoking cessation, depression, anxiety or even compulsive behavior, we’ve made it easy for you with a free evaluation. This can be done in the office or over the phone. Because we are an established hypnosis clinic with several clinical hypnotherapists, you will benefit from decades of experience in the areas you most need them. Once your free consult is complete, you’ll be able to further take advantage of our discounts, payment plans, and very flexible hours. Plus we often can tell you if your insurance will reimburse you for our services as well as offer you some alternatives!

Hypnosis Appointments Near You | Orlando Hypnosis Clinic

Your Discount: 40% Off Clinical Hypnosis Programs Free One Hour Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Consultation in Orlando Hypnosis Clinic Book A Free Hypnosis-Hypnotherapy Consultation Below Privacy policy  We respect your privacy and we won’t share your information. Above all, do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns.  We’re [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| July 11th, 2024|

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*This information should not be treated as a substitute for advice given by your General Practitioner, Medical Doctor, Psychiatric professional or any other healthcare professional. We encourage you to check with your physician before attempting any new therapies. We commonly work with our client’s health professional to provide well-rounded adjunct solutions when needed. Success from any kind of coaching, medical or hypnosis process cannot be guaranteed. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your commitment, effort, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.