Hypnotherapy for childbirth can help you work in greater harmony with your body, stay calm, increase your relaxation, and reduce the level of sensations you experience.
Hypnotherapy for Child Birth
Babies born to mothers who have used hypnotherapy to prepare and relax them for birth are often more likely to sleep and feed better. Orlando Hypnosis Clinic’s hypnotherapist will discuss any anxieties you are feeling with regards to the pregnancy and will create a hypnotherapy program which is personally tailored to your needs. It may include:
- Deep relaxation
- Visualization
- Self-hypnosis
- MP3 pre-recorded sessions for home
These hypnotic methods are intended to help dispel any negative thoughts and concerns as well as help you to feel in control, confident and prepared for the birth. Additionally, these will be skills and tools for life that you can use well beyond your pregnancy and birth.
Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Child Birth
- can reduce labor time
- can reduce fatigue in the mother during and after birth
- can reduce postnatal recovery time
- can reduce the risk of intervention
- breech and posterior babies can be turned using hypnosis
- increases the chances of children feeding and sleeping better
- can help aches and discomforts during pregnancy
- can help morning sickness
- assists the natural birth process
- can speed up post birth recovery
- can improve oxygen levels in mother and baby
- can improve energy throughout first and second trimester
- promotes calm, peaceful, relaxation throughout the birthing process
- promotes confidence about birthing
Hypnotherapy Child Birthing Facts
According to figures from the American HypnoBirthing® Institute only 15% of pregnant women who received hypnotherapy for childbirth required pain relief compared to 70% needing pain relief in the non hypnosis group. The evidence continues to support the idea that hypnotherapy for childbirth is highly beneficial with only 20% of mums who received hypnotherapy requiring an epidural compared to 70% in the group that received no hypnosis. Further evidence continues to highlight the merits of hypnosis by showing that pregnant women who had received hypnotherapy stood a 20% reduced risk of experiencing an induction and a 16.5% reduced risk of experiencing a C-section.
In a different study British researchers found a significant reduction in the length of labor for first and second time mothers, with the 70 hypnosis patients spending an average of 6 h 21 m in labor compared to 70 participants that received no hypnosis who took an average of 9 h 45 m.
How Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for Child-birthing Works
As you already know, when we feel frightened, our nervous system automatically kicks in and starts producing adrenaline which fuels the “fight or flight” response. In a pregnant women this would generally cause the cervix to tighten in order to prevent the baby from being born into what our body and our minds see as an unsafe environment. Heightened levels of adrenaline would then react with other hormones needed for birth causing the body to slow down and even put a stop to the process. The “fight and flight” response is massively draining for a women in labor and this is why relaxation is such an important factor.
Feeling relaxed during labor ensures a high level of oxygen is entering the body which is not only good for the baby but also good for the production of endorphins which are the body’s natural pain reliever.
Hypnosis promotes relaxation before during and after birth. Pain management hypnotherapy techniques are taught benefiting from the mind and body connection. Also confidence and assuredness are benefits from hypnotherapy. With these results, elimination of the fight or flight response, both mom and dad can have a healthy and joyful pregnancy.