Combat Operational Stress Reaction, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Acute Stress Reaction, and Military Trauma Hypnotherapy Programs
Why Us? We Have The Best Hypnotist, Hypnotherapy Program, & Support Around.
Psychological or emotional trauma work is Orlando Hypnosis Clinic’s specialty. Its impact on the individual and the family system can be devastating and few hypnotists have developed the tools to adequately offer program based solutions. Our goal at Orlando Hypnosis Clinic is to reach out to the veterans who cannot talk about their symptoms. Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy coupled with our 5 Path® program allows us to help individuals suffering with COSR (Combat Operational Stress Reaction); PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder); ASR (Acute Stress Reaction); and MST (Military Sexual Trauma) quickly and without the stressors of having to relive the circumstances and events in a conscious setting. This is completely private.
- Hypnotherapy sessions can be in the office, in your home, or even via Skype.
- Our hypnotherapy program for COSR and related issues has a 98% success rate and has been going strong for ten plus years.
- Our hypnotist for COSR specializes in hypnotherapy and recovery for active duty personnel during both peace and war, due to stressful conditions during training, deployment, humanitarian missions, government support missions and other assignments.
- You will complete this program in just 2-3 short weeks and be back to a normal life in no time.
- Our support for this particular program is 24-7 from the consultation and for 1 year following therapy completion.
Testimonial Video: An Amazing Hypnotherapy Program for COSR (Combat Operational Stress Reaction), & PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder); ASR (Acute Stress Reaction)
Symptoms and Onset
Once the initial sensitizing event (ISE) causing the symptoms has been identified, suggestive therapy is used in the deep trance state where the hypnotherapist helps the client to resolve the ISE and uplifting, positive, constructive, and beneficial suggestions begin the process of change or healing.
Symptoms of COSR, PTSD, ASR, and MST may include but are not limited to:
- Depression
- Difficulty performing routine tasks
- Difficulty prioritizing
- Frequency of urination
- Fatigue
- Indecision
- Insomnia
- Lack of initiative
- Loss of beliefs
- Mistrust
- Nausea and vomiting
- Nightmares
- Palpitations
- Preoccupation with minor issues
- Slower reaction time
- Slowness of thoughts
- Substance abuse
- Shaking or tremors
While many of the symptoms of COSR are the same as those for ASR and PTSD, there are usually fewer symptoms of COSR and they usually occur directly following the stressful event. Adjustment Disorders is more common than ASR and PTSD.
Free Stress Release Hypnosis MP3 Download
This session is recorded by Danny Jackson, CHT. It is designed to release stress and provide improved methods for handling stress. Our MP3 sessions have improved results due to the fact that we incorporate subliminal messaging as part of our sessions…
Hypnotherapy: What to Expect and the End Result…
Using various techniques of hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, (NLP) a deep state of relaxation is reached allowing for an altered state of consciousness, also known as a trance. During this state, the hypnotherapist is able to communicate with the subconscious mind for analysis and /or therapy. Analysis allows for the determination of the root cause of the disorder and associated symptoms. Since the client is in a deep trance state, most will be able to appropriately deal with the trauma and its impact from a detached, safe state; alleviating emotional barriers, that can result in denial, which often stand in the way of resolving the trauma and its associated effects. Conscious emotional barriers, originating in the subconscious, naturally obstruct the natural healing process of which we are all capable. Hypnotherapy is a continual solution for most since it completely bypasses the conscious mind. Hypnotherapy additionally is a very fast acting therapy that offers solutions that are generally accomplished is as few as four sessions. Compared to talk therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy, this approach alleviates problem feelings and behaviors more rapidly and with much better results for most people.
By resolving the issues that initially caused the negative emotions and associated behaviors the client will be able to find a consistent state of balance and peace. The bottom line is that although a negative event or series of events has taken place in the person’s life, the emotional trauma will no longer effect their daily lives and they will be able to leave those events in the past where they no longer affect the person in the present nor again in the future.
- Can be used in conjunction with any current support network or CBT program.
- If you’re homebound – Often we can arrange to come to you.
- It’s affordable. If you’ve tried other programs, you know how important this part is.
- No waiting-we promise to get you in for a consult ASAP. Your imagining getting your life back on track and we want to help today.
Free No Obligation Consultation
- Free initial consultation to get all of your questions answered.
- Choice of home, office or Skype sessions.
- Complete this program within two to three weeks.
- Evenings and weekend scheduling flexibility.
- 24-7 Support. Someone is always available for you when you need it.
- Reasonable payment plans & veteran discounts available because we want to help you.