Is hypnosis dangerous?
No, hypnosis is not dangerous. Hypnosis is just a natural state of the mind utilized by the hypnotist for purposes of entertainment (as in stage) or to help the individual change certain habits or pattern of behavior. The mind has natural defenses built in which will automatically reject any suggestions it deems harmful.
“Contrary to how hypnosis is sometimes portrayed, you don’t lose control over your behavior while under hypnosis,” experts at the Mayo Clinic write. “You generally remain aware of and remember what happens under hypnosis.”
“Hypnosis is a mental state,” says Dr. David Spiegel, medical director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine. “People think it is a means of taking away control, but it is actually a means of enhancing control—over perceptions such as pain, anxiety, habits, stress.”
In summary, hypnosis, when properly used, is one of the safest tools in the healing profession. As clinicians using hypnosis to help with treatment we need to be aware of the adverse effects when hypnosis is misused. It is necessary for any organization and any training program to promote not only the teaching of safe hypnotic techniques but also the restrictions of the use of hypnosis to the areas of competency of the practitioner.
As health care professionals in the public eye, we work with habit control frequently, it is not safe to assume that anyone coming for smoking cessation or weight loss is simply coming with that symptom alone. Anyone we see for hypnosis is coming with a whole baggage of attitudes, difficulties, adjustments reactions and so on. With all of this in mind (no pun intended), we offer a thorough consultation to make sure our methods are congruent with your needs and to eliminate as much possibility of ab-reaction and return emotional or behavioral outcome, habits or pattern of behavior. This includes making sure you actually want the changes and aren’t coming to us to appease others.
At the end of the day, you are solely responsible for your success and your failure. And the sooner you realize that, you accept that, and integrate that into your work ethic, you will start being successful. Erin Cummings.
What Can Hypnosis Be Used For?
- Abandonment
- Compulsive Behaviors
- Age Regression
- Aggression
- Agoraphobia
- Anesthesia
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Assertiveness
- Assist Healing
- Attitude Adjustment
- Bed Wetting
- Biofeedback
- Breathing
- Career Success
- Change Habits
- Child Birth
- Chronic Pain
- Communication
- Concentration
- Controlling
- Cramps
- Cravings
- Creativity
- Death or Loss
- Discouraged
- Dreams
- Exam Anxiety
- Exercise
- Fear Loss of Control
- Fear of Animals
- Fear of Death
- Fear of Dentist
- Fear of Doctor
- Fear of Failure
- Fear of Flying
- Fear of Heights
- Fear of School
- Fear of Success
- Fear of Surgery
- Fear of Water
- Fears
- Forgiveness
- Frustration
- Gagging
- Gambling
- Guilt
- Hair Twisting
- Headaches
- Helplessness
- Hopelessness
- Hostility
- Hypertension
- Hypochondria
- Immune System
- Impotency
- Improve Health
- Improve Sales
- Indecision
- Inferiority
- Inhibition
- Insecurity
- Insomnia
- Irrational
- Irrational thoughts
- Irritability
- Jealousy
- Lack of Ambition
- Lack of Direction
- Lack of Enthusiasm
- Lack of Initiative
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Medication Side Effects
- Memory
- Mistrust
- Moodiness
- Motivation
- Nail Biting
- Nausea
- Negativism
- Nightmares
- Obsessions
- Obsessive-Compulsive
- Overeating
- Overly Critical
- Pain Management
- Panic Attacks
- Passive-Aggressive
- Past Life Regression
- Perfectionism
- Performance Anxiety
- Pessimism
- Phobias
- Post-surgical
- Pre-surgical
- Premature Ejaculation
- Problem Solving
- Procrastination
- Public Speaking
- Reach Goals
- Rejection
- Relationship Enhancement
- Relaxation
- Relaxation
- Resistance
- Resistance to Change
- Responsibility
- Restlessness
- Sadness
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Blame
- Self-Confidence
- Self-Control
- Self-Criticism
- Self-Defeating Behaviors
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Expression
- Self-Forgiveness
- Self-Hypnosis
- Self-Image
- Self-Mastery
- Sexual Problems
- Shame
- Skin Problems
- Sleep Disorders
- Smoking
- Social Phobia
- Sports
- Stage Fright
- Stress
- Stubborn
- Study Habits/Test Taking
- Stuttering
- Substance Abuse
- Superiority
- Surgical Recovery
- Tardiness
- Temptation
- Thumb Sucking
- Tics
- Trauma
- Ulcers
- Victimization
- Weight Loss
- Worry
- Writers Block
As you can see, hypnosis can help people through all kinds of issues. At Orlando Hypnosis Clinic, our hypnotherapist practices advanced hypnosis techniques that can give you marked improvements in as little as a single session.