Break Your Cigarette Smoking Habit The Easy Way With Hypnosis
Quitting smoking is a necessity at this point in history because smoking cigarettes are banned from restaurants and other public places. And in fact, it is the intelligent thing to do for more reasons than good health alone. This editorial explores the very best hypnosis and NLP methods that can be used to make it as painless as possible to break the compulsive behavior to cigarettes.
By utilizing clinical hypnosis to quit smoking plus specific NLP methods, it becomes effortless to stop smoking without withdrawal or weight gain. And many of these methods do not even require post-hypnotic suggestions. They depend on programming the unconscious mind to use the same thought processes that the unconscious is using to create the compulsive behavior to cigarettes, to eliminate the mental habit.
There are three individual parts of the repeated behavior of smoking cigarettes. Two of the elements are mental, and only one part is physical. This habit by definition is not actually an compulsive behavior since that requires an emotional component.
Part A: You Smoke for Relaxation and Pleasure
When you were an infant, and you got restless, your mother would put a nipple or a pacifier into your mouth to calm you. You would get distracted, become calmer, and often go to sleep. That scenario was repeated many, many times so that your unconscious mind was programmed: When something goes into your mouth, you get relaxation and pleasure from it.
Now that you are a grownup if you feel anxious or tense and you’re the type that you crave something in your mouth for relaxation and pleasure – the result is often a cigarette!
Part B: Smoking is a Conditioned Response
Remember Pavlov? He rang a bell every time that he fed his dogs. After a few repetitions, all he had to do was to ring the bell, and that would trigger the dogs to salivate.
When you associate smoking with any other action, the other action will trigger cravings for a cigarette and an urge to light up a cigarette. This subconscious, repeated behavior is called a conditioned response.
For example: If you smoke a cigarette when you see someone else smoking, you will automatically get an urge to smoke each time you see someone else smoking.
Here is precisely how this conditioned response gets programmed into your unconscious: If a person smokes a cigarette and simultaneously drinks a cup of coffee, the mind takes a snapshot of the cigarette in the hand, and ties it to the cup of coffee. After that, every time the person has a cup of coffee, his unconscious mind fills in the missing part of the picture. It flashes an image of a cigarette, and the smoker gets a craving for a cigarette.
You may be unaware of the mental picture of the cigarette, because it may only be at the unconscious level of mind. Just as you are unaware of what you are seeing through your peripheral vision until something or someone draws your attention to it. But the image is there, creating a craving for a cigarette.
Part C: There us a Physical Compulsive Behavior to Nicotine, HOWEVER
We’ve worked face-to-face with several thousand smokers, and I give you my guarantee that the physical compulsive behavior to tobacco is the weakest part of the smoking habit. We believe that it is only ten percent of the battle when trying to quit smoking with hypnosis or any other method. The nicotine is completely out of your system within 24-48 hours.
In fact, based on years of experience, 90% of the problem with smoking cessation is the repeated behavior…days, weeks and years smoking for the same triggered reasons! (Parts A and B).
Here’s What This Means to a Smoker Who Wants to Quit
When you eliminate the feeling of tension that pushes a smoker to smoke a cigarette to create relaxation and pleasure (Part A) . . . and when you erase the conditioned response of feeling compulsions for cigarettes when having a cup of coffee, driving or finishing a meal, etc. (Part B) . . . then you can give up tobacco without needing willpower, and without having to suffer from withdrawal symptoms or weight-gain.
Clinical hypnosis helps quickly trigger a smoker to stop smoking. Hypnosis will make it easy to give up tobacco because it takes care of Parts A & B! Here is how:
Part A is where smokers light-up a cigarette for relaxation and pleasure. It’s your thoughts which create feelings of stress. More to the point, people persistently run mental movies in their mind’s eye. If the movie is negative, it causes a sense of stress.
We use different NLP and hypnosis methods to program the subconscious mind to quickly and easily take those stress producing mental images, and quickly exchange them for relaxation producing mental pictures and movies. When done correctly, hypnosis naturally instills relaxation and pleasure and eliminates the stress that triggers the oral urges and compulsions for a cigarette.
Because of the elimination of tension, the smoker who is quitting does not experience the compulsion or need to substitute food in place of the cigarettes. So quitting without weight gain is possible.
Part B is where smokers light-up because smoking becomes a conditioned response to many different activities and locations. Remember in the earlier example how smoking became unconsciously associated with other activities and environments so that each time you get into that activity or environment, the mind flashes an image of a cigarette, and the image of the cigarette triggers an urge to light-up?
There is both stop smoking hypnosis, and quit smoking NLP techniques that can quickly eliminate those conditioned responses so that your subconscious will lose the cravings for cigarettes, and the compulsion to smoke. In some cases, you can even get a compulsion to reject the cigarettes. We do not recommend using negative reinforcement, however.
To Sum It Up
In summation, by utilizing certain hypnosis and NLP methods, it becomes very easy to stop smoking without withdrawal or weight gain. And many of these methods do not even require post-hypnotic suggestions. They depend on programming the unconscious mind to use the same thought processes that the unconscious is using to create the compulsive behavior to cigarettes, to eliminate the mental compulsive behavior.
We recommend having a free consultation to determine whether you are actually ready to quit smoking and to get an idea of which NLP and hypnosis methods will work best with your personality type.
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