Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy for Fears and Phobias at Orlando Hypnosis Clinic
Whatever your phobia, regardless of how long you have suffered from it, despite the dreadful life limitations you have endured because of your fear, your phobia can be addressed through hypnosis and hypnotherapy at Orlando Hypnosis Clinic.
Some of the more frequent fears and phobias clients come to Orlando Hypnosis clinic for are:
- Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders.
- Fear of crowds, wide open spaces, uncontrolled social conditions.
- Aichmophobia/Belonephobia – Fear of needles or pointing objects.
- And so many more since fears are subconscious in nature.

Fears come in many shapes and sizes. Some of them may not be too much of a problem, especially if you can avoid the object of your fears. However, some fears like flying in airplanes, taking elevators, animals, spiders, dentists, doctors, or talking in public, can be a major obstacle to having a comfortable life. To the outsider, fears appear illogical and irrational. To the person living with the fear, however, the fear is all too real.
This sort of general anxiety or fear is usually generated by an unconscious response to the ‘misuse’ of the imagination. Basically, the ‘back part’ of the mind is getting the message from the imagination that something bad is going to happen, and so creates a state of readiness in the mind and body: anxiety. This can partly be due to experiences in the past, or a lack of an ability to tolerate uncertainty – not knowing what is going to happen, but whatever the reason, the mind can quickly learn to relax and take things as they come.
Orlando Hypnosis Clinic’s hypnotherapists regularly construct solution-oriented programs designed to help clients conquer these issues, often in as few as one or two sessions for most people. Whatever your phobia, regardless of how long you have suffered from it, despite the dreadful life limitations you have endured because of it – your fear or phobia can be addressed and corrected – giving you the relief you seek and the life you deserve.
What We Do at Orlando Hypnosis Clinic to Stop Your Fear:
Like many people, you may have just accepted the fear or phobia. Figuring you are going to suffer from this for life. You may have put off doing things that involve the thing or event in which your fear is based. Be assured that after the custom hypnosis program, most people feel the fear disappear or at least be so greatly reduced that they wonder if it ever was there in the first place.
Our hypnotists strive to help you to find the ISE (Initial Sensitizing Event) causing the fear. Often, the fear has been residing in the unconscious mind for months or years before it reaches conscious awareness. The hypnotist then helps you to resolve the cause and for most people, this alleviates the fear itself.
Get started at Orlando Hypnosis Clinic today. Just call us.