Orlando Prescription Drug Abuse Hypnotherapists

Prescription drugs are the second most commonly abused category of drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2010, approximately 16 million Americans reported using a prescription drug for non-medical reasons in the past year; 7 million in that past month.

Signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse are vast and often vary depending on the particular drug being abused. Pain relievers are a group of prescription drugs that are commonly abused. They include codeine and morphine.

Brands of morphine include Avinza, Kadian, MS Contin, Oramorph, and Roxanol. Opioids, such as oxycodone (Oxycontin) and those containing hydrocodone (Vicodin), used to treat pain. OxyContin, Percocet, Percodan, and Roxicodone share an active ingredient, oxycodone, which is an opioid pain reliever. These drugs aren’t identical; Percocet also contains acetaminophen, while Percodan also contains aspirin. Vicodin, Lortab, and Lorcet contain the opioid hydrocodone plus acetaminophen.

Other prescription drugs that are commonly abused include:

  • Anti-anxiety medications and sedatives, such as alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (Valium), and hypnotics, such as zolpidem (Ambien), Sonata, and Lunesta used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders
  • Valium and Xanax are examples of benzodiazepines, another type of depressant. They may be prescribed to treat anxiety, acute stress reactions, panic attacks, convulsions, and sleep disorders (typically for short-term use).
  • Stimulants, such as methylphenidate (Ritalin), Dexedrine and Adderall used to treat ADHD and certain sleep disorders are abused for their sense of euphoria. Methylphenidate is a stimulant found in the ADHD drugs Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, and Methylin.
  • Antidepressants these include Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, Zoloft, Effexor and Remeron.
  • Barbiturates are a type of depressant. Phenobarbital is a barbiturate; others are Mebaral, Seconal, and Nembutal. Though helpful when used as prescribed, barbiturates can be addictive.
  • Dextromethorphan (DXM) found in many nonprescription cough and cold medicines.
  • Pseudoephedrine commonly found in nonprescription cold medicines.

Some signs of prescription drug abuse include:

  • Stealing, forging or selling prescriptions
  • Taking higher doses than prescribed
  • Excessive mood swings or hostility
  • Increase or decrease in sleep
  • Poor decision making
  • Appearing to be high, unusually energetic or revved up, or sedated
  • Continually “losing” prescriptions, so more prescriptions must be written
  • Seeking prescriptions from more than one doctor
The traditional stereotype of the typical alcoholic or drug user is not longer valid. The ” new” addict is often educated, professional and belongs to a higher socio-economic group. They may not “get drunk in a bar every night” or “strung out on heroin in the street”, but they are, indeed, addicts… the “new” breed of addict.

They may take their pain pill before the pain comes “so it doesn’t get too bad”. Before they know it, they’re addicted. But not really, because they’re still functional and, after all, the doctor prescribed them. The lines become so blurred, denial is easy.

Hypnotherapy allows for the resolution of the issues that caused the addictive behavior in the first place. What is the point in treating an compulsive behavior as the primary source of the problem when it is in fact only a symptom of deeper problems. Often the compulsive behaviors in this particular group are both physiological AND psychological. For example, pain management hypnotherapy is key when dealing with prescription pain medication abuse. Additionally, hypnotherapy is used to ease and end the conditions requiring many anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, and sleep disorder medications that were meant only to treat a symptom in the first place. Not for long term use.

Rather than teaching that an addict is helpless against their compulsive behavior and must attend meetings for the rest of their lives, our clients do not define themselves by their compulsive behavior. Instead, they are led through a process that allows them to solve the underlying issue(s) that led them to become addicted and thereby solving the whole problem, remaining drug-free and able to finally enjoy life as they always wanted.

Orlando Hypnosis Clinic‘s compulsive behavior recovery program is nothing like 12-step programs because it is based on a completely different paradigm. Where the 12-step programs come from the belief that someone with an compulsive behavior is destined to be an addict for the rest of their lives, our program looks to the current research in neuro-science which shows that people continue to change the way they think, and therefore behave throughout their lives.

Rather than attending meetings, (the program can be used in conjunction with 12-step or other recovery methods) they complete a set hypnotherapy sessions, usually six to eight depending upon the individual, over the course of a month. Each session builds upon those that came before, so that by the end of the month, people engaged in the program have solved the underlying issue (sensitizing event) causing the need for using, learned how to deal with self-sabotage and have vastly improved their self-esteem. They have also developed the beliefs, values, boundaries and internal identity of someone who has no need for the substances or behaviors they used exhibit.

Our Orlando prescription drug abuse hypnotherapists have outstanding success in treating prescription drug compulsive behavior … Call us now at (407) 369-8474.

  • Sessions can be in the office, in your home, or even via Skype.
  • Our hypnotherapy program for porn compulsive behavior has a 98% success rate and has been going strong for eleven plus years.
  • Our hypnotist for compulsive behavior specializes in hypnotherapy, compulsive behavior, NLP, CBT and recovery.
  • It’s possible to complete this program in just 3-4 short weeks and be back to a normal life in no time.

Why Us? We Have The Best Hypnotist, Program, & Support Around

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An Amazing Program: Gets to the Source of the Problem Fast!

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  • Free initial consultation to get all of your questions answered.
  • Choice of home, office or Skype sessions.
  • Complete this program within three to four weeks.
  • Evenings and weekend scheduling flexibility.
  • 24-7 Support.  Someone is always available for you when you need it.
  • Reasonable payment plans, professional, veteran, & senior discounts available because we want to help you.
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We have helped thousands of people get & stay free from addictive urges all over Florida and in Orlando with hypnotherapy!