Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy via Zoom :: Accomplish Anything with Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy from Your Own Home
When you live in a different, country, state, remote community, or are unable to reach therapists who are skilled in working with your type of problem, it can be costly and very difficult to get the help you need. That is why we offer you the opportunity to have hypnosis over the phone and via Zoom.
Remote Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Sessions? Yessss!
Remote tele-video conferencing for hypnosis, nutritional counseling and exercise wellness advice offers our clients a face to face session of hypnosis whilst they are in the privacy and comfort of their own home, giving them an enhanced sense of control over the process. People sometimes feel more relaxed in their own environment instead of an office environment. This can be especially helpful for those who lack self-confidence and need help but may not have the ability to go to someone, such as agoraphobics, shut-ins, and those with eating disorders or problematic compulsive habits who need “in the moment” support.
Remote Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Sessions

Sessions can be arranged on a weekly bi-weekly or monthly basis. Like all the therapy we carry out, it is tailored to the client’s needs and we treat people according to their individuality. We have lots of experience of talking to people over Zoom and its very important that the client realizes that they are in safe hands with hypnotists who have years of experience and the skills required.
A small UK study from an article in New Scientist Magazine from January 2002 claims that tele-video hypnosis can be even more effective than face to face therapy. Morning, evening and weekend appointments are available for our Tele-Video hypnosis sessions. Just call Orlando Hypnosis Clinic at (407) 316-2473.