IBS Relief – Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy at Orlando Hypnosis Clinic
What can you do about IBS? Clinical hyypnosis and hypnotherapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in a number of clinical studies. Are you someone who has had a work-up for Irritable Bowel Syndrome or other gastric issues and the physicians haven’t found anything physical to treat? You’re not alone. Make an appointment for a free consultation and learn more about how hypnosis or yhpnotherapy could help you find relief from IBS.
Research has found that hypnotherapy may help improve the primary symptoms of IBS. It may also help relieve other symptoms suffered by many people with IBS such as:
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Backache
- Urinary problems
For example, because there aren’t many treatments for IBS, hypnotherapy has become “the front-line therapy”. Experts theorize that hypnotherapy works for many gastrointestinal disorders because they are often affected by a faulty connection between the brain and the gut, or digestive tract. The gut and brain are in constant communication. When something disrupts that communication, the brain misinterprets normal signals, which can cause the body to become hypersensitive to stimuli detected by nerves in the gut, causing pain. Experts believe hypnosis for IBS shifts the brain’s attention away from those stimuli by providing healthy suggestions about what’s going on in the gut.
Learning effective self-hypnosis skills can help most of our clients to significantly improve their IBS symptoms and can help with indirect effects of IBS problems such as overall well-being, quality of life, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and bloating.
IBS and the Stimulus-What Can You Expect from Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for IBS
“It doesn’t get rid of the stimulus. Your GI tract is still moving. It’s just changing the threshold of perception so you’re not paying attention or feeling it with the same intensity,” says John Pandolfino, chief of gastroenterology and hepatology at Northwestern, which started offering hypnotherapy in 2006 and has plans to expand to two regional hospitals
Other gastric issues such that are stress triggered or related can often be easily relieved through a similar process only focusing on the cause of the stress, anxiety, etc. Give Orlando Hypnosis Clinic a call and request a free consultation to see if we can help relieve your day to day difficulties. (407) 369-8474
What Happens in the Consultation for IBS Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy?
Think of the consultation for our clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy programs as a one hour motivational interview for both of us. We want to make sure we can help you with your IBS symptoms. We take an in-depth look into your lifestyle to see what barriers you are hurdling, emotional issues you’re dealing with and how theyse things can be effecting your IBS. Next, based on how long you’ve been dealing with your IBS symptoms, these issues and how severe they are, we begin constructing a solution. We make absolutely sure during this consultation that you’re a good candidate for clinical hypnosis or hypnotherapy.
During your consultation we will answer any and all questions you have about clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy because let’s face it, there’s a stigma surrounding hypnosis. How can something used as stage entertainment help you? Right? We’ll cover everything until your comfortable and confident in us, our recommended program, and in yourself. Next, there’s no obligation to move forward. Take time to think about it or talk it over with your supporting friends or family members.
- It’s Easy, Set Up an Appointment Online or by calling (407) 369-8474.
- Fill out your wellness evaluation in the patient portal so your hypnotist is prepared for your consultation when you arrive.
- Try out our free stress release hypnosis MP3 before you come in and get an idea of what hypnosis is from the safety of your own home.
- Come to our comfortable office and talk with someone about getting answers for your IBS.
Orlando Hypnosis Clinic built its reputation using hypnosis and hypnotherapy merged with the proven methods of traditional therapy for the past thirteen years. Our clinicians include licensed mental health practitioners for your safety as well as the highest educated and certified in NLP and hypnosis techniques. Our goal is to help you with your IBS using the care, research, and experience on a one-on-one basis; and to eliminate the root cause of your IBS causes and symptoms as much as possible.
Hypnotherapy Can Be Used to Break Unwanted Patterns
- Re-educate your mind to stop worrying about the next IBS attack.
- Learn new relaxation techniques to help your mind and body to slow down and de-stress. IBS and stress are a painful combination.
- Hypnotherapy appears to offer symptomatic, psychological, and physiological benefit. Steer your mind away from the pain gradually.
- In certain instances, it may be necessary to identify and resolve events, current or past, that are subconsciously affecting IBS symptoms
Do the effects of hypnotherapy last once a course of treatment has been completed? Research on the long-term follow up of patients who have benefited shows that after a period of between 1 and 5 years, most remain well with many requiring no further medication at all.
Adapted from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Publication No. D346; the text of this article is not copyrighted Published in Digestive Health Matters, Vol. 21, No. 4.
Adapted from IFFGD Publication: Hypnotherapy for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders by Peter J. Whorwell, MD, University Hospital of South Manchester, England, United Kingdom, and from IFFGD Publication #171 by Olafur S. Palsson, PsyD, Research Associate, Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.