Orlando Meth Compulsive Behavior Hypnotherapy

Crystal meth compulsive behavior is a wide spread problem that is sweeping across the United States. As of the late 90’s, almost 10 million Americans had reportedly tried recreational methamphetamines at least once. Young adults in their late teens and early 20’s are the most likely users. Death by overdose from crystal meth has been reported [...]

By Danny Jackson, CHT, M.NLP| September 6th, 2022|

Hypnotherapy for Pain Management

Chronic Pain Symptoms and Treatment with Hypnosis It has been proven that hypnosis can control pain to a very substantial degree if not totally, even the severest pain, as in extensive burns and advanced cancer. It works great for dentistry and child birth. For pain therapists, these treatments, which focus on the relationship between the [...]

By Danny Jackson CHT| September 6th, 2022|

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

NOTE: This same program works for anyone who dips or chews tobacco. Orlando Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking Tired of being a smoker? Today…not tomorrow? You can stop smoking*, save $100 on our program, benefit from three free stop smoking support hypnosis sessions, receive a pre-recorded stop smoking hypnosis session for ongoing reinforcement [...]

By Danny Jackson CHT| September 6th, 2022|

Hypnotherapy for Fear of Public Speaking

Hypnotherapy for Fear of Public Speaking Fear of Public Speaking and Social Anxiety - If you suffer from public speaking and social anxiety, you are probably desperate for some relief. We have the answers you need with hypnosis… You may have studied to gain skills or knowledge in a given topic. Perhaps you've become such [...]

By Danny Jackson CHT| September 6th, 2022|

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*This information should not be treated as a substitute for advice given by your General Practitioner, Medical Doctor, Psychiatric professional or any other healthcare professional. We encourage you to check with your physician before attempting any new therapies. We commonly work with our client’s health professional to provide well-rounded adjunct solutions when needed. Success from any kind of coaching, medical or hypnosis process cannot be guaranteed. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your commitment, effort, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.